No matter what your past lifestyle was or the people you are surrounded by, when you decide to take a healthier approach to life the first thing you will often hear is “being healthy is expensive”. Most of the time you believe them, get discouraged, and continue living life the same way because you can’t afford to make that commitment. When knowing where to look and what steps to take, being healthy isn’t as difficult as others may make it out to be. Here are 4 ways to stay on budget when making those healthy lifestyle changes.
1) Cut food cost: It is very sad that when going to the store and comparing prices, the junk foods tend to be less expensive than salads, but there are some ways around that price difference. Go to your local farmers’ market. When shopping at your local farmers market, you aren’t just supporting local, but you’re also cutting the middle man out of the equation. When buying produce directly from the farmer who harvested it, you’re not paying the additional cost to ship, label package or store. You are simply paying for the product. Buying foods that are in season is another important aspect when shopping, be it a farmer’s market or grocery store. When buying produce that isn’t in season, you are undoubtedly paying much more, because there are so many extra costs to get it to your local supermarket from faraway places that still have the environment to grow it. It is important to note that a true farmers market should only carry items that are in season for the area it’s located. If there is an item of produce you can’t live without, buy it in bulk while it’s in season and look up steps on how to freeze it properly. You would be surprised at the items you can freeze while maintaining freshness.
2) Exercise at home: Maybe you don’t have $30-$100 to shell out for a monthly gym bill when you may only work out less than 3 times a week or may struggle to make it at all due to your schedule. If that’s the case for you, there are ways around having to bite the bullet and spend that money. Buy at home exercise equipment. Whether resistance bands, a yoga mat, an elliptical, stationary bike, home workout tapes, or weights, the initial investment offsets the recurring payments you’d fork over for a gym membership. Plus you get the added bonus of foregoing the drive to and from, as well as working your exercise commitment completely around your schedule instead of normal business hours.
3) Take advantage of our monthly specials, discounts and our membership programs. We offer a great deal where you pay a flat fee for making the commitment to receiving regular massages every month or week. It’ll save you money in the long run and keep your body feeling and moving as it should, possibly preventing some unnecessary doctor bills in the process.
4) Find time to do something for yourself: The Most imperative part of being well is taking care of yourself. You can’t properly take care of all those who depend on you if you, yourself, aren’t okay. Take some time to do something you will genuinely enjoy on a regular basis. Get a massage, take a walk with your dog, go hiking, take a nice hot bath, meditate, do yoga, buy yourself flowers, or take yourself out to coffee. Truly ask yourself what would make you happy in that moment and go for it.
A journey into wellness is exactly what you make it. For some people, change is difficult, and they may need to work into it a little at a time. Others can decide to change and start right away. However you choose to approach your journey, there is no right or wrong way. You carve your own path/