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Couples Massages

Call to Schedule-- Online Booking unavailable for Couples

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Couples Relaxation

Spend some time together, while relaxing and taking care of your bodies at the same time. Choose between our 70-minute Refresh or Recharge Massage. 

$290 per couple

Couples Indulge

Indulge with a 100-minute massage session with a loved one. Choose between our Refresh and Recharge Massage.

$360 per couple

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Couples Ultimate Relaxation

Spend some time together with a loved one, while relaxing and taking care of your body at the same time. Choose between our Refresh or our Recharge Massages with an added paraffin/mud treatment to either your choice of hands or feet.

100-minute $420(Per couple)

Couples Double Indulging

Indulge with a loved one. Choose between our Refresh or Recharge Massages with an added Treat for the Feet Treatment included.

100-minutes $440 (Per couple)

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