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5 Ways to Make your Halloween Party a Spa Party.

Jaclyn Parton
Jaclyn Parton

Founder - Owner L.M.T. Lic# 4565

It’s that time of year. Fall, family gatherings, fellowship, and food are all things that make the last few months of the year a favorite for so many. Halloween parties are always super fun, but you can always guess what to expect at them. Here are 5 tips to make your Halloween party into a spa party and stand out, while giving yourself some extra TLC in the process. 

1) Creepy footbaths:

Call your friends over for foot soaks and scary movies. Then surprise them by adding some creepy fake eyeballs into their foot bath. This is fun, relaxing, and allows you to catch up on some well needed time with friends. Make sure you have yourselves a snack station set up before you begin, it’ll help you to relax during the festivities without interrupting your foot soak.

2) Pumpkin hand treatment:

Something as simple as making an easy DIY sugar scrub while having friends over can help make your party unique. There are hundreds of different recipes to choose from across the internet, but since it’s Halloween, we can’t help but love this pumpkin spice sugar scrub recipe:

Follow your sugar scrub up with a vanilla scented lotion, and not only will your hands be smooth and soft, but they will smell divine! If you want to go a step beyond that, you can make extra sugar scrub to send home with your guests along with a recipe that they can recreate. 

3) Ghoulish Masks: 

Everyone loves downtime that they can use to recharge from a busy month or prepare for a busy season. Face masks can be so relaxing and leave you feeling completely renewed. Invite your friends over for seaweed facials. Not only will this cleanse your skin and relax you, but it’s fun to slather your face with rejuvenating products while enjoying times with friends. Take your Ghoulish face masks party to the next level and buy or make some photo booth signs, letting everyone take pictures to remember the night. 

4) Red Wine and Foods: 

What would Halloween be without Red Wine (or should we say ‘blood’), and your favorite finger foods. Pinterest is of course one of the best ways to search for new recipes that you wouldn’t normally come across. We’ve searched Pinterest for you to find some easy, fun, and creative recipes you can enjoy at your Halloween Party.

5) Nail Station with Decals: 

How often is it that you go to a Halloween party that has a nail bar with decals? Go to Walmart or the nearest pharmacy and, stock up on Halloween colors. Orange, black, green, and white will give you plenty of variety. Add in some creepy spider webs, blood drops, or witch hat decals for extra fun and creepiness.

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